Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

Schönes Wochenende

2 Kommentare:

markfromireland hat gesagt…

Thank you for your comment over at my site I hope you'll visit often. I do as you say put a lot of effort into my site and into my YouTube channel.

However I have to say that while I am very glad to see my videos being embedded and my translations of the texts being used by other people that I do find it more than somewhat annoying when people lack the basic honesty and the basic courtesy to say in their postings where those materials come from.

It's not difficult to do this. Whenever I embed a video on Saturday Chorale I always say "Video Source:" followed by a link to the original. I do that because it's basic honesty and basic courtesy to do so. And because I know from experience that the people who have gone to the trouble of posting the videos and the texts appreciate their work being acknowledged.


Lauda Sion hat gesagt…

I sure did already on this post here:

where i also said that your website is now available on the righthand sidebar (white picture above the followers)

Hope you don't mind :)